Different Types Of Conveyor Systems And Their Application

Transporting materials require much effort but conveyor systems reduce the burden. These are mechanical tools that can move materials fom place to place, either manually or through motor-powered devices. A variety of conveyor systems are made up of supporting frames to guarantee safety when in use. Here is a complete guide to better understand its different types and how they work.

How does it work?

Each type of conveyor system is designed for specific uses. They can move stuff for industrial purposes and even during mining operations. This kind of device also varies in size and on how it operates. Buyers can select from hand-powered, motor-powered, and gravity-powered conveyors, whichever will suit their needs.

Conveyors also consider floor spaces to provide better performance. For instance, overhead conveyors are perfect for slaughterhouses while other conveyor types are made for manufacturing operations. Some conveyors are custom-designed to assist installation processes and in handling materials. Knowing this factor helps to prevent potential risks in the environment with fragile and flammable products.

The controls are easy to manage from start to completion of the transporting task. You can take control of the speed, frequency drives, and acceleration of the conveyor. It will keep the pieces of stuff in place through the added belts.

Conveyor systems must be operated by a knowledgeable person to avoid possible damages in the workplace.

How to choose the right conveyor system for your needs?

Many factors should be considered in choosing a conveyor system that best fits your needs. First, buyers should identify the materials that are subject to conveying to better select the right device to do the job. Determine the type, size, and weight of the materials to find the conveyor suitable for moving them.

Buying a conveyor system will bring you a variety of choices, so here are other factors that you should know to end up with the correct moving device.

#1: Load Capacity

Since a conveyor contributes to moving materials from one place to another, understanding its loading margin is essential as per the unit length and volume. This will determine if the device can carry even bulkier products. It additionally refers to the flow rate of the device to know its limit for safer operation.

#2: Belt Speed

Transporting materials will sometimes demand faster speed especially in manufacturing sites. Moving speed is measured in a linear velocity for roller-powered conveyors, and is different from the other types.

#3: Frame Structure

The conveyor’s frame plays an important role in the safety of materials to be transferred to other places. It differs in shape, such as straight and curved, and also in the level of durability.

#4: Drive Location

Conveyors can move in different directions depending on your requirements. Drives are normally located on the side or underneath the device for easy access.

#5: Durability

It also features anti-corrosion to maintain its proper functions for extended use. The best way to assure the conveyor’s overall effectiveness is to use it as per the application stated. Conveyors also differ in design whether they are for large-scale or more complex workspaces.

#6: Design

Conveyor systems can either be fixed or permanent. There are portable units to transport materials that are less bulky. Packaging operations are better off with particular types of conveyors, such as outfeed or infeed conveyors.

Most Common Types of Conveyor System

The following types of conveyor systems vary in form and in the application. Each device has its carrying capacity for specific applications.

#1. Belt Conveyors

The first type is best for handling products with the use of belting materials. More durable belts are necessary to carry heavier loads. They can be made of leather, plastic, rubber, or metal for stronger construction.

These conveyors operate at various speeds and are suitable for moving different materials, either horizontally or inclined.

#2. Roller Conveyors

Roller conveyors are made for specific uses,  like loading docks and baggage handling. It is operated manually or through gravity at straight or curved positioning considering the floor space. The device has axle-center dimensions and roller diameter for better operation.

#3. Pneumatic Conveyors

Air pressure is necessary for a pneumatic conveyor to function. It best suits more complex material handling jobs,  such as paper conveying and when chemicals are involved. Different sizes are available to meet your load requirements.

#4. Overhead Conveyors

This one has to move materials subject for hanging, for example, garments and cables. It is mounted and accompanied by trolleys to maximize its carrying capacity. Overhead conveyors can be controlled manually or powered.

#5. Magnetic Conveyors

Magnetic conveyors are used to move ferrous and non-magnetic materials in different motions. It applies to machine works, with or without belting material. There is a rail underneath the device that attracts materials toward the belt for transport. The tool can be assembled upside down depending on the situation and floor space.

#6. Wheel Conveyors

Loading and unloading of materials are much easier with a wheel conveyor. It helps to move items from facility to facility manually or through gravity power. The overall design is built with proper wheel spacing to suit certain loads and applications.

Final Thoughts

Among the common types of conveyor systems are belt conveyors made to transport a variety of materials. A conveyor belt lifter promotes better lifting capacity to safely move products in the workspace. Overall, these moving devices make manufacturing and machinery work quicker and more convenient, with the best controllers you may hire.